Contact us  T: 01932 943099  LInkedin

Contact us  T: 01932 943099  LInkedin

Defence & Security

Defence & Security is part of our DNA. MobiTechCyber (formerly known as MobiTech IT) & our expert consultants are honoured to support our armed forces by providing security information assurance services either directly, with partner organisations or via the MoD Enterprise & SME systems delivery supply chain.

We support the UK Armed Forces Land, Sea & Air operations to ensure their capabilities and personnel can be confident the equipment and systems they use are secure & most importantly functional.  

  • Security Assurance Accreditation Co-Ordination & Support
  • Supply Chain Risk Management
  • Security Requirements Gathering & Management
  • Secure Architecture Design
  • Risk / Threat Identification, Management:- • Threat Analysis
    • Security Testing : IT Health Checks / Penetration Testing Co-Ordination
    • Vulnerability Remediation & Mitigation Management

Please feel free to get in touch.

We appreciate that no two enquiries are ever the same.